Development Roles: Designer, Programmer
Engine: Unity
Summary: This project focuses on creating unique weapon variants. Each weapon would be created and be accompanied by a quick mock-up level of how each weapon can be used in combat or for puzzle solving.
Prototype Assets: All art/visual assets used for these prototypes do not belong to me and were acquired from the Unity Asset Store.
Engine: Unity
Summary: This project focuses on creating unique weapon variants. Each weapon would be created and be accompanied by a quick mock-up level of how each weapon can be used in combat or for puzzle solving.
Prototype Assets: All art/visual assets used for these prototypes do not belong to me and were acquired from the Unity Asset Store.
The Bouncer
Puzzle Scenario
Combat Scenario
Puzzling: For a weapon locking on to targets and then firing a single bouncing projectile, the puzzles for this weapon would have to focus on how the bullet could be used to hit multiple targets in one go and not letting it stop.
Bouncing In Combat: For combat, I scripted a few hovering enemies to move around and shoot at the player as they set up targets to bounce off of. The Bouncer has the projectile power up in damage the more targets it hits without stopping. This implies that the player has to bounce between targets to ramp up the damage to take out targets more quickly. Feedback: Out of 8 testers, all 8 said they enjoyed using The Bouncer as a puzzle solving tool, more than a weapon in combat. However, 4 out of the 8 also mentioned that they enjoyed using it in both puzzles and in the combat sections. While the puzzle element works for the weapon, I would have to simplify the process of setting up the bounces for combat. |
Third Eye
Puzzle Scenario
Combat Scenario
Initial Design: The original design was supposed to launch a helicopter drone that would follow the player. Then the player would pick targets with a laser so that the drone would fly over and then shoot at its current target. However, feedback from testers pointed out that the weapon was not engaging, since all they had to do was select targets and then do nothing as the drone did all the work.
Reconstruction: I decided to keep the idea of using a launcher to shoot out something and redesigned it. An older game I played, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, had a gadget in the game that would shoot a sticky camera to walls to look around corners. What if I could do that, but make it do more than just look around and make noise? Feedback: QA feedback for the Third Eye was split. Half of the testers really appreciated how interesting the puzzles I made were and could see the complexity of later puzzles around this weapon. The other half of testers gave good feedback for the combat sections saying that the feeling of catching an enemy at a different angle and shooting them was satisfying. |