A Day With Akrittok - Spring 2015
Development Roles: Group project over 5 weeks. Worked with the design, documentation, structure, and some programming aspects of the game. Engine: Adobe Flash Players: 1 Genre: Educational, Point-and-Click Controls: The player uses the mouse to navigate and select certain objects in the game. Description: Players will control an Inuit child, named Akrittok, and will only use the mouse to navigate the village and interact with objects. Since this game is targeted for a younger audience, the controls were made to be easy for a child to pick it up and control it with a simple control scheme. |
Development Roles
Designer: Jeremy Davenport Designer: Devin Broughton Programmer: Kelly Morrissey Artist: Aaron Higgins Producer: Domenic Petretta |
Gallery: Original Proposal Outline, QA feedback
Storyboard: The layout of the game was originally intended to have the player explore a village of where that character lived. This would expand later on to a 2D map of where they could click and go to next, however that was cut due to constraints. Eventually everyone on the team decided to have the point and click game and to follow that up with a river rafting game where the player would kayak down and collect fish for their village. This would be followed by the end game state with the starry night section being a reward for the player. When this was presented in front of other people for feedback, we got mixed reviews as to the purpose of the kayaking mini-game. They felt that it would make the experience feel like an arcade game than an educational one, which one the first mini-game succeeded in doing so far. So, our team decided to cut the kayaking game and repurpose the starry night section into an interactable section.