Note: This was programmed by another team member to showcase the systems involved. This video showcases the combo system.
Development Roles: Designer
Engine: Unreal Summary: This group project focused on creating a turn-based RPG, with more of a focus on live inputs for commands and actions. To have the player feel like they are engaged with the standard attacks, rather than just watching the action play out in front of them. Planning Out Systems: Joining the project in development, I was asked to make the combat more engaging, rather than just watching attacks. The game already had 3 basic attack options when I joined, so I added a stamina system to add a layer of strategy to picking attacks. Setting up a stamina system would provide a limit for how much a player could attack and have them plan what they can or should do on their turn, while also planning for their next turn as well. Next, I planned on a combo system where the already established inputs for attacks could continue from one attack to the next. The player could attack up to three times with the same character, if they had enough stamina to do each attack. This creates a risk/reward of the player strategizing around if they should do a full combo and risk running out of stamina (forcing their next turn to be skipped), but possibly defeating an enemy in the process.
Combo Benefits: So what would be the benefit of chaining certain attacks instead of doing the easiest input every time? There has to be a obvious benefit for the player choosing certain combos, instead of picking the optimal strategy of the strongest combo every time. The answer I chose was to add status effects to completing certain combos. Setting enemies on fire, debuffing them, or targeting weaknesses of enemies. This would reward the player for completing combos by helping them in the fight and look cool in the process! This system was something I saw in a much older game, Legend of Legaia, that had you chaining inputs for actions in a similar way. This project helped me in not being afraid of using systems from other games in new ways. |